Annual Budget Policy Draft 2023-2024
Asset Management policy Draft 2023-2024
Assets Management Policy 2023_24
Bank and cash Policy 2023_24
Bank and Cash Policy Draft 2023-2024
Books of Accounts Policy Draft 2023-2024
Borrowing Policy 2023_24
Borrowing Policy Draft 2023-2024
Budget implementation Policy 2023_24
Credit Control and Debt collection Policy 2023_24
Credit Control Policy Draft 2023-2024
Electricity Tarrif Policy 2023_24
Fleet Management Policy 2023_24
Fleet Management Policy Draft 2023-2024
GLM mSCOA RoadMap 23 Final
Grants Policy 2023_24
Grants Policy Draft 2023-2024
Indigent Policy 2023_24
Indigent Policy Draft 2023-2024
Infractructure Investment and capital projects Policy 2023_24
Infrastructure investment and development policy Draft 2023-2024
Inventory Policy 2023_24
Inventory Policy Draft 2023-2024
Investments and cash Management Policy 2023_24
Investments and reserves Policy Draft 2023-2024
Long term Financing planning Policy 2023_24
Long term financing policy Draft 2023-2024
Payroll Policy 2023_24
Payroll Policy Draft 2023-2024
Property Rate Policy 2023_24
Property Rates Policy Draft 2023-2024
Property rates Tariff policy 2023_24
Provision Policy 2023_24
Provisions Policy Draft 2023-2024
Refuse Tarrif Policy 2023_24
SCM Policy 2023_24
Sewarage Tarrif Policy 2023_24
Sundry Receivable Policy Draft 2023-2024
Supply chain management policy 2023/2024
Tariff Policy 2023_24
Tariff Policy Draft 2023-2024
Trade and sundry payable policy 2023_24
Trade and Sundry Payable Policy Draft 2023-2024
Virement Policy 2023-2024
Virement Policy Draft 2023-2024
Water Tariff Policy 2023_24
Write-off Policy Draft 2023-2024
